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圖片來源: Instant Hipster - 27 Retro Effects |
在這個人手一機 📱、甚至是人手好幾機 (手機、相機、攝影機...📱📷📸🎥📽️)的全民隨手拍時代,拍照已經不只是按下快門鈕而已,很多時候你可能還會先加上濾鏡特效才上傳至社群媒體上分享給大家看👁️。
雖然手機有各種攝影濾鏡的APP可以用,但是數位相機、微單眼、類單眼、單眼這類型的相機,除非它本身有內建濾鏡可以用,不然你就得要傳到電腦 🖥️ 裡另外後製修圖。
而在 IG 橫行的時代,在 IG 的濾鏡特效深得你心時,相機拍出來的照片卻沒辦法直接用到 IG 濾鏡,你又不想另外花時間一張一張存到手機裡套用 IG 濾鏡,更不想細細的花心思花時間用 PS 後製特效時....快來用用看Instant Hipster - 10 Retro Actions 一秒套用濾鏡!
雖然它還是得要用電腦跟 Photoshop 來處理,但已經非常方便了好嘛~~~
完全拯救了熱愛 IG 濾鏡的人呀 😆
- 一台跑得動 Photoshop 的電腦
- 在電腦裡安裝好 Photoshop 軟體
Photoshop 是 Adobe 推出的無敵強大影像編修軟體,請支持正版,
若你的電腦沒有 Photoshop,請至 Adobe 官網註冊並下載試用版。
Instant Hipster - 10 Retro Actions
進入 Instant Hipster - 10 Retro Actions 下載它提供的 Photoshop Actions(動作設定檔),Instant Hipster - 10 Retro Actions 網址:https://www.brusheezy.com/actions/49554-instant-hipster-10-retro-actions
按「Free Download」做免費下載。
Instant Hipster - 10 Retro Actions 是一套 Photoshop Actions(動作設定檔),
有免費版(10 種濾鏡)和付費版(27 種濾鏡,14 美金)兩種,一開始你可以先選擇使用免費版,真的熱愛再去購買付費版。(文末有附上付費版的連結)
※必須搭配 Photoshop 使用
最重要的就是下圖中用紅框框選起來的,它就是Instant Hipster - 10 Retro Actions 的動作設定檔,對它快速的雙點擊滑鼠左鍵兩下(執行它)。
接著在 Photoshop 中開啟你想要套用濾鏡的照片檔,並開啟動作面板,
在動作面板中,如下圖紅色框選起來的就是 Instant Hipster 的 10組動作檔。
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圖片來源:裴小編 |
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圖片來源:裴小編的偉大父親 |
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圖片來源: 裴小編的妹子-鄭芊芊 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1800360006655898&set=pcb.1800360286655870&type=3&theater |
一秒改變照片色調,還可以後續微調細節,這麼棒的動作設定檔一定要收藏的呀~ 🤗
Instant Hipster - 27 Retro Effects (付費版 27種濾鏡):
2 意見:
5 ounces of concentrated detox drink. If you wish to only take the capsules or the shot you can purchase each product separately. Now put on the shower cap and sidetrack your mind to something else while you wait for this mixture to do its magic in an hour. Once that long hour ends, rinse your hair carefully and thoroughly with warm water, removing the mixture from your head and hair and leaving no residue behind. Usually, there’s enough in the vial to create a full bottle of fake urine, so measure your distilled water out according to the company’s instructions. Fair warning, there’s a lot of mixing and specific directions involved in creating your sample. Visit: https://www.urineworld.com/
You can either try this drink in the Wild Berry or Tropical flavor. Both flavors are quite popular among regular users, and you will likely find them to be quite refreshing. - gooodprgn. With this package, you will also receive free tablet supplements that complement the detox program. So, in compliance with this data I suggest buy, I will convey my message. Another pleasing aspect of this drink is that it is made using only natural ingredients. Even the flavoring used in it is extracted from fresh fruits, which is why it tastes so great. It is, after all, a herbal supplement, so it makes sense that it does not come with any of the nasty side effects that some lower-quality detox drinks do. Moreover, it is not just about THC, as this drink can cleanse your digestive, urinary, and circulatory systems as well. This itself is impressive enough to merit giving Mega Clean a try, with the mary g detox acting almost as a bonus.